
Thursday, June 28, 2012

Chickens can change your World - HCCML 3

... and so can anything you love enough - or that has touched you deeply enough.

Having fun, doing what you love is compatible with respecting the earth and it's beings!

So, they (them chickens) got me writing again. Why am I doing this? - This writing about this particular topic  - again ? Because I had some inspiration earlier this morning, as in an entire post in my head, and now I can't quite remember but started to write anyway in case it all comes back to me.

I think part of wanting to write again about why I am going this is because I have not yet internally solved (ie accepted) this dilemma of the general unconsciousness of humans and what they do to this planet and each other. I still believe that humans can wake up and start caring and stop abusing ....  if only enough would --- or that at least those in power could and steer it all with true knowing and compassion and without GMO foods and mega pollution. I still envision a world in which humans live in harmony with nature. At least get your life and the animals close to you on track of health and happiness.

So here I am doing this chicken gardening project and there are some very practical reasons why -  which most people can understand or value and which can change their world & perception.

  • get chicken help providing fertilizer and tilling help in a vegetable garden.
  • making sustainable use of land, which I do not own, that is otherwise just laying there unused.
  • getting the best eggs - and proven more nutritious than any supermarket egg can ever be - healthy food for you and your family.
  • learning about what it really takes to provide for your own food - at least some of it.
I am learning more and more how big money has used and misused large sections of land and people,
to walk my talk the best I can - but at least being consistent.
Keeping chickens for you  might be a means to get your children in touch with animals - to get to know them so they may have a change to love them - to make them aware that eggs do not grow in the store and maybe even that hot dogs were made from tortured animals in most cases.

Inspire others to become not only more aware, but take action where they live.

and THERE is is beginning to touch on the first point again - inspire others, help folks to wake up just a bit more and feel empowered to change their own life and world towards health and happiness to include the living earth - wake just a bit more from where they are.

I have seen what others do both online and in person. A lot of people do a lot of good - but when you look at what is happening to the planet - many more need to come on board, many more need to start taking action to the best of their ability - locally. Think, feel and connect globally - act locally.

I got raised roman catholic and I (sort of) remember this parable: the master had to go out of town and he gave his servants money to work. One got 1 dinar, one got 5 and the other one got 10. When he came back, the one with 10 dinar came to him and gave him back 20, the one with 5 dinars gave him back 10 - and the one with 1 dinar gave him back 1. So the master asked what happened: and the servant said he buried it to keep it safe but didn't use it to prosper.
So ...ehm - I don't know what the master did ...but the message was: you MUST use what you have and what god gave you. By this are meant your talents and means. Those who are given much, return much, and those who are given little, return little - BUT ALL ARE CALLED to use what they are given and double it and prosper. So for me this means: DO WHAT YOU CAN WHERE YOU ARE with the means available to you to the degree you can take it today. Burying things is like this: Albert Einstein. “The world is a dangerouss place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.”

Or, to speak with gxaaxx: "Just say no to apathy". 

Have you ever considered that you are depressed or angry because your are NOT doing what you are supposed to do? Because your scope does not include your love, your purpose for being here?

Find the passion which opens your heart. Ask the universe/God with all you have to show you what that is - if you don't know it already - and give it a few weeks, never forgetting what you asked for - and be prepared to give it all you got when it is shown to you.

Some say if you do what you love that is wnough - I say: do what you love for the benefit of all beings everywhere.
It adds a twist to do what you love that is needed by the world.

It is not enough anymore to just do for yourself. If you read this, you got the means - even if you only got 1 dinar. The whole world is available to you via the internet. You can do something - find out what - and it does not cost you any money either.

I happen to love nature, dogs and birds especially, and trees and plants and  ....don't get me started :). I love other things too, but it is different.

So there are lots of folks loving other things, but let us just stay with those who have a bit of conscience and consideration or who consider themselves on a spiritual path and those who are wanting to awaken.

Awakening happens in stages for most folks, it includes the mind heart and body and willingness, drive  - your soul has to actually want to. You can push the river there - but - you never know who you can reach with what you do - and a tiny shift in this Universe may have huge consequences elsewhere, even if you never know it.

So if you open your heart - and you can do this by watching a number of videos about what happens in commercial animal food production and allowing to feel that pain -  you know your heart is open when you FEEL - so open you heart and then get your mind involved to check out the truth and numbers and environmental impact your supermarket egg production have on the earth and your health and your wallet (hint: taxpayer subvention) for example. ...

I guess the question is: at what point will you change what you do? At what point are you awake enough to not be happy and fooled or satisfied with pretty pictures alone? At what point do you feel enough to not want to just go along but find passion which also contributes to well being the earth - What will it take to want to leave a world for your grandchildren that can still be inhabited?

At what point is it not just about YOUR better life and health, or YOUR family's property and vacation - but at which point do you care enough to include the larger you in who you are?

Because, between spiritual realization and scientific discoveries - we ARE all connected - it is all one.

Now is that what had popped into my head earlier? No, but I'll work with it.

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